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mental health

16 health benefits of having a dog

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes Unconditional love, devoted company, real joy: life is better with a dog. Spending time with canine friends works wonders for your well-being. Recent research shows that owning a dog is good for physical and mental[…]

13 health risks of coffee

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Coffee is safe for most healthy adults when consumed in moderate amounts (about four cups a day). Drinking too much caffeinated coffee can have some side effects: insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, headache, anxiety, agitation, gastrointestinal problems,[…]

19 health benefits of beer

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Some studies show that beer consumed in moderation can be beneficial to your health. 1. Beer is more nutritious than other alcoholic beverages Many experts say that beer is more of a food than a[…]