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14 myths about the flu vaccine

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes The flu vaccine is a safe and effective way to help people stay healthy, prevent disease, and even save lives. The flu virus can cause serious illness and even death among people with certain chronic[…]

13 health risks of coffee

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Coffee is safe for most healthy adults when consumed in moderate amounts (about four cups a day). Drinking too much caffeinated coffee can have some side effects: insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, headache, anxiety, agitation, gastrointestinal problems,[…]

16 reasons for delayed or stopped menstruation

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes Delayed or stopped menstruation is a cause of stress, especially if you are used to having regular menstruations or are preoccupied with an unexpected pregnancy. Most women menstruate every 28 days, but sometimes the period[…]